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coloN: "I will attend LAN's"

ClanBase gick tidigare ikväll ut med att man stänger av coloN från samtliga tävlingar under ClanBase-flaggan i tolv månader samt att man delar ut ett rött kort till Danmark som alltså förlorar matchen mot Norge på WO.
Fragbite fick tag på coloN för ett par frågor:
Whats your thought and opinion about the clanbase decision to give Denmark a red card?
Giving Denmark a red card is probably the most stupid decision made by a tournament this popular. Seeing as the team roster is made of individual players, I see no reason for Denmark to be excluded*.

And about your penalty, you were handed out a ban that stretches over 12 months?
For a tournament to be prestigious and attract professional teams and players, I believe one rule should be on top of the rest; Innocent until _proven_ guilty. The evidence regarding my ban is ridiculous. 12 months, a year, two - I could not care less. I won't be playing CB again.

How do you intend to prove everyone wrong?
I've thought a lot about that question and the only answer I can provide, is that I'll be attending a lot of LAN's this year, if allowed of course, with my team. I'd like to say one last thing: I've played CS for 13 years - when you see a professional boxer on TV with that many years on his back, you'll notice all the tricks he's learned, you'll see that he can predict the next move of his opponent and you'll learn that if somebody does something for that many years and still have a flair for it, that person will be one of the best in his area of expertise. My area of expertise, how sad it might sound, is Counter-Strike.
* (Danmark diskvalificeras inte, endast coloN)

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